Grid project All'Acqua – Maggia – Magadino

Swissgrid welcomes the Federal Council’s recent decision to define the planning corridor for the new power lines between All’Acqua (Bedretto Valley) and Magadino. This decision defines the geographical area in which the new lines can be planned and specifies the technology (overhead line or underground cable) that will be used.
The Federal Council followed the proposal of the support group consisting of cantonal and federal authorities and environmental organisations, which was the result of a careful evaluation of the interests at stake.
This decision is binding for Swissgrid, and the route of the new lines will be defined in the coming months. Once the planning stage is complete, the project will be submitted to ESTI for approval. Swissgrid will then be able to plan and contract the work, which is scheduled to start in 2031 at the earliest.
The next steps will involve dialogue
Dialogue with authorities, associations and the population is crucial for Swissgrid. During the planning stage, Swissgrid will set up an advisory commission made up of cantonal and municipal authorities, environmental associations and Swissgrid representatives as it determines the route of the new lines. In addition, authorities, private individuals and stakeholders will be given the opportunity to object to the project during the approval process.
The result of cooperation with authorities and infrastructure managers
The project came about as part of the «Studio Generale», a working group that Swissgrid participated in with local partners to find a coordinated solution for power lines and regional planning (see our blog for more information).
Working together in this way ensures better coordination of planning phases and optimal use of synergies. The Federal Council now intends to implement this model throughout Switzerland in order to speed up approval processes (see our blog for more information).
A response to changes in the electricity system
The European and Swiss electricity system is undergoing major changes. The electrification of industry and the traffic and heating sectors will increase the demand for energy, while the energy transition is shifting the geography of electricity generation. With the advent of renewables and the exit from nuclear power, energy will be generated in different places and ways than in the past.
In this context, it is essential to modernise and upgrade the power lines in the Maggia Valley, reducing their impact on the landscape and the environment. The current power lines, built in the 1960s, no longer meet today’s requirements. At certain times of the year, the hydroelectric plants in the Maggia Valley have to limit production by almost one third due to insufficient capacity on the transmission lines. Restricting renewable energy production in this way is no longer sustainable in the medium to long term.
Investing in modernising and upgrading the electricity grid is crucial. Without a strong, modern electricity grid, the energy transition is doomed to failure. Swissgrid is committed to ensuring that Switzerland continues to have a secure, reliable and sustainable supply of electricity, and the All’Acqua – Maggia Valley – Magadino grid project is a testimony to this commitment.
Green light for the Marmorera – Tinizong project as well
At the same meeting, the Federal Council defined the planning corridor for the line between the Tinizong substation and Lake Marmorera. The line, which is about nine kilometres long, will soon reach the end of its lifespan and needs to be replaced. It is indispensable for transporting the electricity produced in Bregaglia (Löbbia and Castasegna power stations). The new line section will consist of a 220-kV Swissgrid line and a 150-kV line that forms part of Repower AG’s distribution grid.