Grid Innovation

A Swissgrid pylon at the Swiss Museum of Transport

Swissgrid is part of the new «Experience Energy!» exhibition at the Swiss Museum of Transport

Author: Silvia Zuber

Whether they’re discussing global warming and climate protection or our future supply of energy, the topic of energy is on everyone’s lips. The Swiss Museum of Transport addresses this issue in «Experience Energy!», the new exhibition inaugurated today which covers a surface area of 600 m2.

The interactive permanent exhibition, which was developed in associated with partners from politics, administration, science and business, includes a number of highlights. Visitors can learn about different forms of energy, observe energy use in everyday life and take a look at the future of energy in 2050.

Swissgrid is part of the new exhibition

Swissgrid is delighted to be part of the new exhibition at the Swiss Museum of Transport and to able to bring the transmission system to life in all its facets. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn more about the important role played by the grids in the energy system. As a connecting element between electricity producers, consumption and storage, they form the basis for implementing the energy transition.

Swissgrid is delighted to be part of the new «Experience Energy!» exhibition at the Swiss Museum of Transport and to be able to bring the transmission system to life in all its facets.

Swissgrid has built a 1:1 replica of part of a pylon on the important line between Pradella and La Punt in the Engadin to be displayed in the exhibition in the Swiss Museum of Transport. Visitors can be taken almost to the top of the pylon in a construction basket and immerse themselves in a 360° video experience.

Visitors can also demonstrate their skills as employees of the grid control rooms: in a specially created game, they have to use joysticks to maintain the balance between electricity generation and consumption and cope with various scenarios such as the failure of a power plant.

A touchtable offers insights into other interesting topics such as the European interconnected grid and the grid operator of the future. The exhibition concludes with various exhibits such as a disconnector, a flight warning sphere, insulators, conductors and underground cables.

Discover the dimensions of a Swissgrid pylon up close.
1/3: Discover the dimensions of a Swissgrid pylon up close.
Gain some altitude as you learn more about the work of the grid electricians.
2/3: Gain some altitude as you learn more about the work of the grid electricians.
Demonstrate your skills as an employee of a grid control room having to cope with critical grid situations.
3/3: Demonstrate your skills as an employee of a grid control room having to cope with critical grid situations.


Silvia Zuber
Silvia Zuber

Project Manager

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