
Electricity is always flowing and the energy sector is always active – 24/7, 365 days a year. New grid projects, exciting facts about electricity, digitalisation, innovations, the environment – we regularly publish informative articles on a wide range of topics. Always up-to-date, always with our finger on the pulse. Welcome to our blog!

  • Something more than a substation

    Yesterday evening, Swissgrid and its partners celebrated the end of the rough construction of the new substation in Biasca (TI). In addition to the necessary technical installations, the new building encompasses much more.
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  • Sondierbohrungen am Glaubenberg

    For good reason

    The transmission system is a key factor for the successful implementation of the Confederation’s Energy Strategy. Swissgrid is making the transmission system fit for the future to make sure that electricity can continue to flow reliably. Every project carried out as part of strategic grid planning is different, but one thing is essential: the planning must be based on solid clarifications and findings. Depending on the area where a new line is planned, this may involve geological investigations, for example in the form of exploratory boreholes like those drilled on the Glaubenberg.
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  • True or false? Checking all the myths about the grid

    There are a number of persistent myths about the grid. But are they really true? Fortunately, Swissgrid expert Marc Vogel knows the facts.
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  • «We need a grid that adapts flexibly»

    Both the energy system and the transmission system are changing. Swissgrid is addressing the increasing complexity by taking strategic measures to modernise the grid and create a digitalised company.

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  • Shortage of skilled labour – a problem for the grid?

    Even grid operators are suffering from a shortage of skilled labour. How serious is the problem? And how can it be solved? We asked two employer branding experts.
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  • «The electricity supply of the future needs both copper and intelligence»

    More and more solar plants, heat pumps and charging stations are being installed in Switzerland. What does this mean for the distribution grid? We asked two specialists from Energie Thun AG.
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  • Everyone benefits from a harmonious relationship with the EU

    The relationship between Switzerland and the EU poses challenges for all Swiss electricity market players. In the summer of 2023, the Federal Council adopted benchmarks for a negotiating mandate with the EU, thereby driving forward the relationship. The decision on the negotiating mandate is now imminent. In an interview, Marc Ritter, CEO of AEW Energie AG, explains the significance of this development and of a potential electricity agreement with the EU for a Swiss power supply company.
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  • Where things stand 200 years later

    Possible power shortages, power system failures, blackouts – these were topics of much discussion last year. Why is the electricity grid reaching its limits and what is Swissgrid doing to counteract this?
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  • Der Weg zur zivilen Nutzung der Kernenergie

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  • How a unified Swiss electricity grid came into being

    Electricity was never invented – it has always existed. It is a natural phenomenon. But everything relating to electricity was invented: how we produce it, how we transport it to businesses and households, and how we use it in everyday life.
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  • The grid of the future needs the cantons

    When it comes to the grid of the future, the cantons are an important player too. In an interview, two experts discuss how they could play an even greater role.
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  • Do electromagnetic fields affect our health?

    A technical report commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) on the electromagnetic fields generated by power technologies has recently been published.
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