
Electricity is always flowing and the energy sector is always active – 24/7, 365 days a year. New grid projects, exciting facts about electricity, digitalisation, innovations, the environment – we regularly publish informative articles on a wide range of topics. Always up-to-date, always with our finger on the pulse. Welcome to our blog!

  • For a secure supply of energy in the Upper Valais

    Swissgrid is modernising the extra-high-voltage grid in the Upper Valais for future operation at a voltage of 380 kilovolts.
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  • Birds move to the extra-high-voltage grid

    Nesting boxes for jackdaw colonies have been installed on pylons of the Swiss extra-high-voltage grid in Weinfelden and in the Saint-Triphon region. In other parts of Switzerland, too, electricity pylons provide a home for endangered bird species.
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  • Six cable heads

    Out in the open

    The assembly of the cable connection gantry for the La Bâtiaz – Le Verney underground link and the replacement of pylon 51 on the Chamoson – Romanel 380 kV overhead line are under way at the Verney construction site in Martigny. These two elements are essential for connecting the underground link to the Swiss extra-high-voltage grid. The underground cable link is scheduled to be commissioned in spring 2022.
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  • When lines freeze

    It’s not just people who can freeze, our lines can too. And they can even crack. This blog post explains what Swissgrid is doing about this and how it works.
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  • How do substations and transformers work?

    In the new brochure “Substations and Transformers – Important Elements in the Transmission Grid”, we describe the role of switchgear and transformers in the transmission grid in simplified terms.
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  • Switzerland and the 70% rule

    EU transmission system operators have had to implement the 70% rule since 1 January 2020, with a transition period until the end of 2025. The impact of this rule on Switzerland is not easy to explain. We’ll try all the same.
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  • View of the underground gallery.

    It all comes down to temperature

    Cable laying for the underground link between La Bâtiaz and Le Verney in Martigny is currently under way. Delivery of the twelve cable reels has been taking place in stages since the beginning of December, as the cables need to be warmed up before being installed in the gallery. The underground cable link is scheduled to be commissioned at the end of March 2022.
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  • Without interrupting the transmission of electricity

    Since 5 November 2021, the electricity produced by the hydroelectric power plant in Fionnay in Valais has been transported via Swissgrid’s 220 kV Fionnay–Riddes overhead line.
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  • Habitat under extra-high-voltage masts

    Thanks to the initiative by naturschutzlösungen and Pro Natura, a new habitat is being created for yellow-bellied toads — under Swissgrid extra-high-voltage masts, of all places.
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  • Located in the heart of Europe

    Security of supply: solutions needed now

    At a technical level, Swissgrid is doing everything needed to maintain secure system operation. However, private-law agreements between transmission system operators are not an adequate substitute for an electricity agreement in the long term. Swissgrid is reaching the limits of possible solutions at a technical level.
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  • Safety is the top priority

    In a three-part blog series, we explain how Swissgrid creates resilience in the transmission grid in the areas of installations, operation and supply as well as in relation to the human factor. The first part of this series is dedicated to installations and operation.
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  • New foundations exactly along the line

    When an ultra-high-voltage line has to adapt to the local terrain

    Most ultra-high-voltage lines in Switzerland are situated in zones with natural hazards that are often difficult to avoid.
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