
Electricity is always flowing and the energy sector is always active – 24/7, 365 days a year. New grid projects, exciting facts about electricity, digitalisation, innovations, the environment – we regularly publish informative articles on a wide range of topics. Always up-to-date, always with our finger on the pulse. Welcome to our blog!

  • Combating invasive neophytes

    The pretty purple blossom of the summer lilac, the yellow flowers of the ragwort or the large white flower clusters of the giant hogweed: these plants are beautiful to the eye and seem harmless at first glance. But they are in fact invasive neophytes that can pose a threat to the environment.
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  • Diversity and Inclusion

    Diversity & Inclusion: our ambition

    Swissgrid strives to be an innovative, diverse and inclusive company that all employees feel comfortable to work for. Its diversity and inclusion strategy is based on the principles of protecting personal integrity, non-discrimination, optimal working conditions and leadership culture.
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  • Attracting, retaining and developing skilled workers

    Swissgrid set itself the goal of accelerating its development into an innovative, highly digitalised company. It therefore applies various measures to develop the relevant skills to become a more attractive employer, attract talent and strengthen employees’ level of identification with the company.
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  • Sustainability and biodiversity

    The construction and maintenance of lines and substations can have a significant impact on biodiversity and measures are defined to protect it.
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  • Alpine longhorn beetle

    New life in deadwood

    Deadwood in forests promotes biodiversity. This is no different on the routes of overhead lines. Since deadwood is increasingly left standing or lying in place under lines, the rare Alpine longhorn beetle makes an appearance from time to time.

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  • Protecting people and the environment

    Whether Sotto or Sopraceneri, the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland is a captivating location with picturesque mountain scenery and deep blue lakes. Just like elsewhere in Switzerland, these landscapes must be protected. Swissgrid has taken this to heart in the Airolo – Lavorgo grid construction project.
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  • Ant hill

    Greater security of supply at the expense of the environment?

    Swissgrid commissioned the new 380-kilovolt line from Pradella to La Punt on 11 November 2022. This line is essential for the transfer of electricity and for security of supply in the Engadin and the canton of Graubünden as a whole. However, interference in nature was necessary for the construction of the line. Swissgrid sees protecting the environment as part of its mandate. Read the article to find out how we assumed our responsibility in this project.
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  • Mühleberg substation

    Environmental protection in Swissgrid construction projects

    Whenever we talk about extra-high-voltage lines, their impact on the landscape and nature soon becomes part of the discussion. Is the environment really forgotten about in grid projects? First of all, it is important to stress that Swissgrid is aware of its role as the national grid company and assumes its responsibility towards people and the environment.
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  • Birds move to the extra-high-voltage grid

    Nesting boxes for jackdaw colonies have been installed on pylons of the Swiss extra-high-voltage grid in Weinfelden and in the Saint-Triphon region. In other parts of Switzerland, too, electricity pylons provide a home for endangered bird species.
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  • Mouse hunting

    In Sils substation, weasels are helping Swissgrid to keep the mouse population under control. But Swissgrid is also offering the endangered species a new and valuable habitat.
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  • Habitat under extra-high-voltage masts

    Thanks to the initiative by naturschutzlösungen and Pro Natura, a new habitat is being created for yellow-bellied toads — under Swissgrid extra-high-voltage masts, of all places.
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