
Electricity is always flowing and the energy sector is always active – 24/7, 365 days a year. New grid projects, exciting facts about electricity, digitalisation, innovations, the environment – we regularly publish informative articles on a wide range of topics. Always up-to-date, always with our finger on the pulse. Welcome to our blog!

  • «Price signals are probably the strongest argument.»

    Electricity no longer seems to be available as a matter of course. We need to change our behaviour in order to utilise this resource in a more sustainable way. A conversation with Dr Christian Berger, research associate at the University of Bern’s Institute for Organisation and Human Resource Management (IOP).
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  • What’s all that chirping?

    It was at the Lucerne trade fair in April 2022 that a girl accompanied by her grandmother asked one of our employees, «But if the lines are in the ground, where do all the birds sit?» Fortunately, Switzerland is full of trees – so alternatives are available. Nevertheless, the girl was right: birds like to perch on overhead lines. Find out in our blog post whether this is dangerous and, if so, what the dangers are.
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  • Teaser image with key visual

    The grid must always be taken into account when installing a solar plant

    Large solar plants are to be built in the Swiss mountains by as early as 2025. This represents a challenge for grid operators: they have to implement the grid connections.
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  • Unplanned flows in the grid – a risk for Switzerland

    The grid capacity of the Swiss transmission grid is precisely calculated to the nearest quarter of an hour. If unplanned electricity suddenly flows through our grid, i.e. electricity that was not foreseen in the calculations, this can cause overloads of grid elements.
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  • Protecting people and the environment

    Whether Sotto or Sopraceneri, the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland is a captivating location with picturesque mountain scenery and deep blue lakes. Just like elsewhere in Switzerland, these landscapes must be protected. Swissgrid has taken this to heart in the Airolo – Lavorgo grid construction project.
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  • A Swissgrid pylon at the Swiss Museum of Transport

    The new «Experience Energy!» exhibition was inaugurated at the Swiss Museum of Transport on 4 April 2023. Swissgrid features in it.
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  • «An internship is suitable for anyone who wants to take responsibility for the energy future»

    Beatriz Alvarez, Specialist Ancillary Services & Analytics, and Julius Schwachheim, Head of Capacity and Congestion Management, talk about their careers at the grid company as well as their «humble beginnings» as interns.
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  • Wild bees under tension

    For safety reasons, only low-growing flora is found on routes for overhead lines and in substations. This environment offers the ideal living conditions for endangered animal and plant species.
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  • In the depths of Lake Lugano

    At the end of March 2023, Swissgrid and the Swiss railway operator SBB submitted a planning application for the replacement of the submarine cables between Brusino and Morcote. The cable route is 2.8 km long and the total investment amounts to around CHF 8.7 million.
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  • When the ground gets closer

    Extra-high-voltage lines as a danger to aviation
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  • Fionnay, Val de Bagnes, in the winter sun

    The Fionnay cave

    The Swissgrid substation at Fionnay GD in the Valais, which is located in a mountain cave, has been renovated. This is where the energy generated by the Fionnay / Grande Dixence power plant is fed into the electricity transmission system.
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  • We are all in the same boat

    In the first post in the blog series, we looked at the home of the future and saw an energy-optimised, networked work of art. For this vision to become reality, the infrastructure – i.e. the grid – must keep pace with digitalisation and the transformation of the energy system.
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