Urgent Market Message

Temporary price Cap/Floor for Swiss offers in TERRE - updated

Message ID201218A | version 002
Publication date/time2022-01-03 07:02 CET
Event start2020-12-21 00:00 CET
Event end2022-01-05 00:00 CET
Message typeOther Market Information
Message statusactive
DescriptionA temporary price Cap and Floor was introduced for Swiss offers in TERRE. From delivery period of 21.12.2020 00:00 onwards the offers prices in TERRE from Switzerland have been limited to +/- 999 EUR/MWh. The temporary price Cap and Floor will be removed as of 05.01.2022. For delivery periods from 05.01.2022 00:00 onwards, the relevant price Cap and Floor will be +/- 9.999 EUR/MWh.
Market participantSwissgrid AG
Market participant IDA0003341l.DE



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